A drama centered around Patty Montanari, the widowed mother of two who went to work for her lover Frank Russo, a captain in a Brooklyn crime family.
Depth Charge
Depth Charge
Jason Gedrick and Eric Roberts lead the cast of this thriller about a submarine captain who attempts to hold Washington, D.C. hostage for a billion dollars, and the heroic doctor who ...
Power 98
Power 98
A controversial talk show host becomes involved in the murder of a beautiful woman in a war for ratings.
The Force
The Force
When a police officer is killed in the line of duty, his soul enters into the body of a young officer to seek revenge for his murder. However, when the spirit takes over, the officer is ...
Still Life
Still Life
The alleys of downtown Manhattan become a modern killing field when corpses begin turning up, disfigured and gruesomely posed to appear as pieces of art.In the frightening climate of ...